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  3. Nur 850.000 Zuschauer: RTL landet massiven Flop zur besten Sendezeit

Nur 850.000 Zuschauer: RTL landet massiven Flop zur besten Sendezeit

Nur 850.000 Zuschauer: RTL landet massiven Flop zur besten Sendezeit
© IMAGO / Sven Simon

For the New Year, most of them watched the “crime scene“ as usual, after all, the first day of 2023 fell on a Sunday. But other TV channels such as Sat.1 were also able to score points with the audience. On the other hand, things didn’t go so well for RTL.

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Only 850,000 curious wanted to take a look behind the scenes of RTL and watch „The secrets behind the most iconic RTL moments“ with Harry Wijnvoord and Evelyn Burdecki. The supposed show highlight started on January 1st, 2023 at prime time at 8:15 p.m., but was only able to achieve a meager 5.8 percent market share in the advertising-relevant target group of 14 to 49 year olds, as reported by DWDL . Even the NFL at ProSieben and the Darts World Cup at Sport1 went better, which of course is clearly not enough for a broadcaster as big as RTL.

The Cologne veterans Ballauf and Schenk secured victory in the evening with the first „crime scene“ of the new year. The episode „Protective Measures“ secured a total market share of 26.8 percent, which is tantamount to a dismantling compared to the values ​​​​of RTL. The thriller is not one of the best episodes of the routiniers from the Rhine, as you can read in the detailed review .

Free TV premiere with Elyas M’Barek is doing well

„The Perfect Secret“ celebrated its cinema premiere in 2019, but has only now reached German free TV. 1.84 million fans on Sat.1 ensured a strong market share of 13.1 percent in the relevant target group on New Year’s and brought the strong with Elyas M’Barek, Florian David Fitz, Jella Haase, Frederick Lau, Wotan Wilke Möhring and Karoline Herfurth cast comedy a befitting success. Watch the video to see what the stars have to say about the film.

The RTL program is part of the  RTL+ streaming service . The basic version is free. The premium version, on the other hand, costs 4.99 euros per month and offers a more extensive program. Here is the free trial period .


The „jungle camp“  will soon open its doors again on RTL. You can test how well you know the show with the quiz.

Dschungelcamp-Sprüche-Quiz: Welcher Promi hat es gesagt?

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